Celebrating Walpurgis Night
April 1st is April Fools Day - It is said that in the mid-1500's, someone chose a new calendar with the new year starting on January 1st instead of April 1st (Actually, everyone began celebrating the new year on March 25 for eight days--ending on April 1st). People who didn't realize or didn't feel like going along with the "establishment" continued to celebrate on April 1st and were called "fools" by the populace, sent fake invitations and were the object of pranks. Go figure.
April 15th is Income Tax Pay Day - Oh dear. Terrible Thursday. Have a budget friendly potluck!
April 22nd is Earth Day, so host your own Earth Day celebration, or just get outside and enjoy nature!
April 30th is Walpurgis Night - May Day eve or the feast day of St. Walpurgis ("the protectress of magic arts"). Have a bonfire!
See more Stuff to Celebrate for April, or take a sneak peek at May!