Our Tailgating party theme is one of our most popular parties on Party411.com, and for good reason. Tailgating is a blast. I think it can be more fun than the game. (Of course I'm a Browns fan and we have had some tough times.)
I've been doing it for over 30 years and there are definitely a few key things that every tailgater should know...
1. Pre-game communications. If you do this every week everyone knows what to do but if you only do it once a year people need direction. Let everyone know where to meet. A parking lot can be a big place so think about having a banner or other sign that people can see. Do they need to bring food? What food? You don't want 8 packs of hot dogs and nothing else. What about
chairs? You get the idea.
2. The food matters. People really remember tailgating parties when the food is great. We have one guy who sets up the grill. Some weeks one person cooks for everyone and sometimes it's cook for yourself. But we always have a good main course. People take the time to make some creative and fun side dishes instead of just chips. Makes for a great meal. Finger food is best.
3. Bring toys. You have a few hours so it's important to amuse yourselves. Bringing a football is a given. I'm seeing a lot of cornhole games now which are fun. If you are more sedentary think about playing cards. I believe I have won a dollar or two in a poker game.
4. Respect the people around you. Bring garbage bags so you can clean up. Don't tie up parking spaces with your cooking gear. 70,000 people are coming to the game. Those spots are needed. Is profanity really necessary? These common courtesies will let you, and the people around you have a better time at the tailgate.
Those are the basics. If you want more great tailgating ideas check out our Tailgating Theme Party.
Oh, and one more thing. Bring home a winner. That'll guarantee a great time.