Did you know that LOST was in its final season? Of course you did. (Even if you lived under a rock you knew.) You’ve spent the last six seasons living on everything these characters did. Heck you even picked sides and debated with your friends. In fact, every week you marked your calendar because you knew something special could happen. Don’t you think you should give LOST a Seinfeld-esque send off? We here at Party411 think you should.
In fact we think you should have a LOST series finale party. We figured you’ve spent six seasons watching and debating so why not make this last episode special? We had a lot of fun with this LOST party and we know you’ll enjoy it. Take your LOST viewing experience to another level on May 23rd.
LOST is on the same level as Seinfeld, Friends, MASH and Cheers. (Some would argue that it’s much better than any of those shows. It's debatable) Either way, we think the LOST sendoff should at least be on the same level, if not greater. It’s up to you to make that happen, can you handle it?