Do get outside and get some exercise. The game starts late and running around can be fun (Turkey Bowl) and keeps you from getting too excited too soon.
Don’t overdo it. There’s no join watching the game from an emergency room or wrapped in Ice packs.
Do start your party early. Not too many people stay after the game and if you want to chat with friends plan on doing it before the game.
Don’t spend the time watching the pre-gameshow. That 4 hour agony kills brain cells.
Do have plenty of food. People will be there for 6 hours so they’ll eat. Have food that will sit for awhile (Chili!).
Don’t try to make it all yourself. Encourage friends to bring a dish. No one minds.
Do have some friendly betting games. Vegas has an amazing number of prop bets. Use them or bet on silly things like the coin flip or who catches first pass.
Don’t make the stakes too high. People will have as much fun winning $20 as they will winning $200 and no one gets hurt.
Do have a place where “serious” fans can watch the game without interruption. It is the biggest game of the year and some people will be really into it.
Don’t assume that everyone will care about the game. There are millions (literally) of folks that don’t really care. We have a separate room for folks that don’t feel like watching every play. (It does have a TV for the ads.)
Pretty simple stuff but I’m pretty sure it is a winning combination for any Super Bowl host. Enjoy the game!