As Halloween approaches every year, I’m always reminded of trips to the sewing store as a child to pick out our costume patterns. My Mom then got to work and made our costumes for me and my brother. I’m still impressed. Today there seem to be so many fantastic costumes available that it’s not necessary to make a costume at home. There are, however, many fun costumes you can make at home! Here are a few handmade couples costumes that I love:
Hersheys: Plain…and with nuts. This great costume was a hand me down from a friend’s parents. A joke that never gets old
Twister: Super cute and super easy to make.
The baker and the Bun in the oven. That’s me pregnant with Sam many years ago.
Here is a creative rollar coaster costume (photo from krossbow) that I love. Easy and creative!
Have you made or seen any creative homemade costumes or DIY couples costumes? Post your pics over on the Party411 Facebook wall – we’d love to see them!
Now back to working on costumes for my kids…without sewing.
-Sam’s Mom
Very creative! I'll try to do these couples costumes one pair at a time. Hope they'll look good on my husband and I.
Posted by: Ysabella | August 19, 2012 at 07:48 PM