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October 11, 2010


Kathleen @ Party411

Hi Kelly,

I had a few black lights in the room. These were in the same room I had this black light bar set up - http://sherrifoxman.typepad.com/daily_party_dish/2010/10/halloween-party-ideas-black-light-bar.html

At the back of the bar I had a long tube blacklight fluorescent bulb in a shoplight. I bought it for about $15 at Home Depot. I also put a 75w blacklight bulb in the ceiling fixture. The room is small, and that was enough to make everything glow.

The glow paint I picked up from a craft store for around $1.


What size black light did you use, and where did you place the light in reference to the picture locations? Does it have to close to the pics and does it have to shine directly onto the pics? Thanks for a great idea.

Kylie Capshaw

These photos scared me! LOL! Where did you buy the glow paints that you used? I'll definitely use them for our Halloween party next year!

making invitations

thanks for those links - made it easier for me to find the best pics.
Great idea by the way!

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