College students are always prepared and plan ahead, except for Halloween that is. Halloween, just surprises college students and then they are left working on their costumes right before their party, or scrambling to buy one. We would like to notify the college students that Halloween is on the way, and that we have a few costume suggestions.
- This Beer Keg costume allows you to put liquid in the helmet. Think about that for a moment. You'll be able to serve liquid from your helmet. Awesome.
- Everyone makes a big deal about drinking games in college. With this Beer Pong Cup costume you’ll never have to wait for a game. In fact, you might be more popular than the actual game!
- You know what I lived off while I was at college? Ramen, and lots of it. That is why I really like the Munchen Ramen costume. Not only is it creative, you can also pay homage to your lifeline.
What’s that? You’re a broke college student and you don’t want to buy a costume for Halloween? That’s fine. We understand, in fact you might remember we offered up many Punny Costumes which would be great for a college student.
Want to make your own costume? Here are few options you can consider for your enjoyment.
- God’s Gift: Buy wrapping paper, and wrap yourself. Make sure to leave enough space so you can move around, you still want to have fun! Write “To: Women Everywhere. From God.” For an added bonus, place a ribbon on the top of your head. This costume is guaranteed to get a laugh out of everyone.
- Head on a platter: You need a computer box top, and a sheet. Cut a hole in the computer box big enough for your head. Center your sheet, and cut another hole for your head. Tape or glue silverware and cups to the sheet and there you go, your head on a platter!
Whatever costume route you decide to take, make sure you commit to the costume and stay in character all night!
- Halloween Party Ideas from Party411
- Black Light Bar
- Jello Shot Syringes
- Men’s Costumes
- Find the perfect sexy Halloween Costume
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Posted by: buy cheap coplay costumes | September 17, 2012 at 10:05 PM