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September 28, 2010


Kathleen @ Party411

Hi Naomi,

I just used new oral medical syringes. I might have bought them on eBay.

Here is a link to the party shooters - http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-1151654-10602678?url=http://www.shindigz.com/party/party-shooter-syringe-shots/pgp/13szbrwssh


Where do you find those syringes? Do you have to use those kind or will regular med syringes work?


where did you find the syringes at ??!

Rob Feckler

That sounds like a fun idea! And yeah, vodka's good. It goes very well with jello, but sometimes it's fun to experiment with different bottles of liquor, no? It's exciting to add an extra kick and variety to the festivities.

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