Summer is here and the weather has been phenomenal, which is great for your summer parties. Party411 offers a great deal of summer party games and summer outdoor party games. However, basketball is still a favorite of mine and I wanted to share some of my favorite summer basketball games, great for all ages and all levels.
Horse: Pick an order. First person shoots and if they make it the following player shoots. If they miss they get an “H” and if they make it next in line shoots the same shot. You are out when you spell out HORSE. Last player standing is the winner. For a shorter game, play PIG.
Knockout: Also called Thunder and Lightening. This is a great game for a lot of people. Everyone gets in line at the free throw line (or three point line if you’re feeling adventurous.) Make sure you have two basketballs. Once the first in line shoots the next player in line shoots. You are out if the person behind you makes their shot before you make yours. Once you make your shot pass the ball to next in line. Winner is the last player standing.
5 Ball: Again, pick an order and stick with it. Whoever goes first picks any spot on the court and shoots five shots from that spot. Then the rest of the players shoot 5 shots. Player 2 then picks a spot and shoots 5 shots, and then the rest of the players shoot. Continue till everyone has picked their own spot and everyone has shot. The player at the end with the highest total of made shots wins. This game will get intense and will be a lot of fun. If there are many people playing, consider making it 3 ball.
Free Throws: This is a game my brother and I play, so there isn’t a fancy name for it. We both shoot 5 free throws and then repeat. Winner is the one with the most made free throws out of ten. Of course we added a rule you have to make seven to be able to win. This is a simple game that will entertain those playing.
These four games will keep you entertained during this summer season. Did we forget any? What are your favorites?